Monday, January 27, 2025

WORK, WALK, DRINK (Phnom Penh 2025)

"Death is a black cat and a pet dog
uncharitable omens of a culling
spectral noises from VTE, PNH, KUL.

Fraudulent, like two bogus NBA tickets
novel, like guerilla rides and Windows 25  
tarty, like airport merlots and a cab sav."


And so it was that defiance was sheperded at 245 Mao Tse Tung Avenue where the MCPs converge on JET to nullify arbitrary fiscal restraints that ushered the onboarding of Dili, Phnom Penh's presumed concurrence, and the rescheduling of Yangon --- reassurances of social protection and a reiteration of responsible finance as reimagined from the smog that repositioned a PMU to be able to seize the day with the aid of a Dutch-compliant computer.

The Point Community Mall meetings were celebrated with elaborately prepared traditional Khmer royal cuisine --- a huge fried freshwater fish on Day 1, everyday vegetable soups and salads, and ancient and delicate amok rei in Day 3 --- the daily fare of the Houses of Sisowath and Norodom until they were deposed by the Khmer Republic who was deposed by the Khmer Rouge who was deposed in the Christmas Day invasion of Vietnam in 1978 who withdrew in 1989 but left the pho bo to nurture Day 2 of the 2025 meetings that concluded with a disappointing Bassac Lane version of pork served charcuterie style.

We worked and ate.

We walked and drank. 

The long late afternoon strolls along the adjacent parks of the Independence Monument led us to a streetside grilled carabao jerky and cans of Dragon premium dark beer, a restaurant version of beef barbecue and bottles of Cambodia lager, a box of Anchor light lager beer to commemorate the reunion of the middle and younger brothers, and a night cap of amazing rice porridge and cold Angkor lager --- Cambodia's national and most popular beer. 


"Touchdown to a brunch in Baloc
to a vigil and padaya dinner in Sto. Rosario
fused like cheese, fish crackers, and an embutido."

Monday, January 20, 2025


It's not certain when the Age of Aquarius began but if Grace McGrade is correct, it crept like a thief on November 2024, an omen to the later submission of an updated proposal and the reaping of the Phnom Penh meeting arrangements.

It was supposed to be the age of "progress, innovation, individual freedom, and equality", of  everything egalitarian in fact except the regret expressed in withdrawing from a learning event in Colombo and a conditional sign off.

To us however, it seemed more like the onset of the Age of Dying as manifested in a hairline fracture, adenocarcinoma, hypotension, and the early morning interment of dead puppies that further justified the strengthening of social protection. 

"So much worries that months before the advent of the 55th year, our second generation were included as guardians of our deposits and named as heirs apparent to our piece of the Cojuangco estate .

Days before the 55th year, a dozen sacks of trash were disposed to officially claim Bulan's house for two nights of the sinadag amidst the specter of an ancient meter tampering case as the Almaguer Settlement was notarized, de-annotated, and gated."  

It took two nights for the kalderetang kambing and adobong pusit, the sweet and sour red snapper and grilled tuna, and the inihaw na bangus at baboy to be indulged; enough time for the Guerilla Rides to evolve into a birthday transport that almost crashed into a tomato vendor before aiding a thankful dame who foretold the arrival of two MILFs seprately representing the face and the body after a balot at penoy night.

What HR was not aware during the onboarding is the week's virtual meetings was the menu for a birthday brunch at the Salcedo Saturday Market --- black coffee garnished with a huge croissant and sweetened with the last slice of French pecan pie, a shared European sausage sandwich and a delayed Taiwanese cuapao that accompanied a chewy pork barbecue, what is said to be a Mediterranen nacho with what is certainly a Greek pizza, and an Italian gelato made from carabao's milk --- all paid through a December 2024 invoice and included in the final submission of Oplan GSIS. 

"On the 55th year, candle smoke from the Archdiocesian Shrine of Sto. Nino de Tondo carried prayers for good health and more good years to the heavens, including a sincere gratitude for a two-year contract that was signed mainly for an HMO coverage."

The pay is good and reassuring too, perhaps more than what the sea lions earned pereforming at the Manila Ocean Park or the cost of creating an imitation aurora borealis at The Philippine Biodome, enough to cover a bottle of Malbec and a US-certified Angus beef steak dinner at Melo's.

The symptoms of stomach flu manifested the day after the 55th year, most probably induced by a half-cooked steak the doctor would later opine, so cetrtainly not from from the grainy puto and thick dinuguan, gamy goto and sweet tokwa't baboy, and crisp orange empanadas at the SIDCOR Sunday Market since Balong actually opted for a freshly cooked pho ga

"Sunday's prize was actually the Taal Heritage Town with Tagaytay as a decoy but what was seen from the Hall of the Sinners is the chalkboard menu of the Hidden Tapsihan that was taken from the grand hall of the Emilio Aguinaldo Shrine where it was declared that from then on, everyday counts and every birthday will be a family day..." 

Monday, January 13, 2025


"every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end" (Seneca)

The evaluator evaluated that the mother title and a technical description are needed, that the tax paid should be updated, facts concurred with by the assessor's assessment that Lot 03 is yet to be subdivided into the 5 parcels as it should be, that amilyar is not the imperative at this point but the fixer who said she will call but did not yet again.

Reset for Oplan Land Titling.

"motivation is what gets you started. habit is what keeps you going" (Jim Rohn)

Rote determination conveyed the 7th AWG to Phnom Penh along with the resolution of delayed safeguarding matters, punctuations to a 4th cut of an updated proposal that almost triumphed over the 45th year of vanquishing genocide before succumbing to a rescheduling of the Lao Big Event to February as proposed during three virtual meetings about mid-year report requirements.

New role, clean slate.

"start wherever you are and start small" (Rita Bailey)

Dusty stuffed toys crawl out of empty bottles like abandoned hangers for broken toys and the faded medals and a trophy displayed in the brittleness of ancient plastic furniture like sacks of used clothes and a dilapidated wood cabinet for the garbage truck that smelled like the ashes of burnt grass covering a heavy marble table that will demarcate boundaries of the Almaguer Settlement. 

Fix the roof leak or build a new house?

"the best way to create your future is to create it, one day at a time" (Peter Drucker)

Novelty rides launched between Monday's Golden Bee and Friday's Solid North --- reheated ham that tasted like pinangat sa gata and morsels of grilled chicken and sinigang na lechon for the dog --- an arrest-less warrant notarized for a flight booking to Phnom Penh --- Balong unleashed as the first invoice to RAN during a hospital visit for a moment of cheap light brandy through Pura. 

Lost land recovered in Almaguer.

Monday, January 06, 2025


A rough proposal 52 pages long.

Too much even if for 5 years that it required two cuts: by the gemcutter whose first meal for 2025 was marked with the sour broth of a sinigang na ulo ng salmon that sparkled with four types of grilled meat the size of a mashed potato and the unmuffled noise of New Year's Eve with 6-packs of pilsner, lager, and stout resisting...

..and by the lapidarists who rescued abandoned spirits from New Year's Eve for a New Year's Day of reducing the roughness, planed into 22 readable pages with the brilliance of risk assessments that were polished and submitted as a safeguarding report, an invoice for December 2024, and a Box restoration.  

It was hoped that 12 round fruits will indeed reel in good fortune while 5,000 rounds of firecrackers shall ward off evil including weekly meetings that were purged and not as the new year was ushered through familiar bike trails when almost all due bills got paid to honor the ritual of a pamamanhikan for leftover tiim na pata and fresh adobo.

Being a perfect square, the year 2025 is said to "carry deep spiritual and cosmic significance" that in the past resulted in the rise of the Mongol Empire in 1225, the unification of Japan in 1600, the invention of photography in 1849, and a king's stunning abdication in the name of love in 1936; that for 2025, huge advances are predicted in the fields of medicine, space exploration, defense, and technology as well as a potential cloning catastrophe. 

2025 is the pivot year to the second half of our lives, our coming to terms with our vulenarabilities and new realities, and the year when we will bravely embark to new beginnings as the luster of ancient traditions like the 18th Lodge installation rites in Baloc fade to the contemporary experience of a grand clan reunion in Bakal 2...