Monday, December 14, 2020


We called it our Thursday Club but since we see each other almost everyday, our bouts with ice cold Red Horse extra strong beer can be any other day like Wednesday after two from our group finally received their largesse from a local politician, or Saturday to drive away the unseen spirits of the night, and of course our usual Thursday set where for this week, chicharong baboy, crispy mushroom, fried tilapia and pork barbecue accompanied the poison of our choice. 

And for the second week in a row, the great Rabindranath Tagore came to enthrall us with the story of Mini, a young bride with a Rene Imperial chin who was unjustly convicted to death after a sensational trial that was chronicled by Bhupati as his lonely wife was being banged by his own brother because Raicharan lost his little master and the tomboyish Mriyani finally succumbed to wife duty so Phatik ran away to Hemant who defied family and tradition for love which made the miser Kundu mad. 

In the same week, the terrace and front yard of the house in Bakal 2 was finally improved where Commander Martin Servaz and Capt. Irene Ziegler laid down the frozen dead of St. Martin for Dr. Zeyolo Zantoko, the African doctor of Marly-Gormont, to perform an autopsy under the watchful guard of the Nineveh SWAT Team who retrieve the cadavers from Mosul

But it was a lazy week for the Phantom Bikers who opted to focus on harvesting the minimum weekly Vitality reward because finding Agnes in Marrakech would have been a lot easier for Brix in 2016, at Hotel Amani's rooftop restobar where she would often watch the sun set in the Atlas mountains with Cathy and Oxfam's team to CoP 22 while in Vancouver, first love was redefined by Nick's gift of life to Ali which is actually a much used storyline.

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