Monday, September 03, 2018


Hotel breakfast buffets

a bunch of roses stolen from the garden

wilting and fading in each passing day
the trick is not to eat the full spread
just bacon and oriental eggs in Day 1
congee in Day 2, chicken soup in Day 3
pork ribs and rice noodles in Day 4. 

Hotel set lunches

soup, salad, main course and dessert
announced with flair and politely served
Thai, medium lamb, baked mackerel 
a smorgasbord of fork, spoon and knife
fine dining's pretentious ceremony
which is what's paid and not the taste.

Dinners outside hotel

two big beers for the price of the hotel's one
delicate omelette and crispy fried fish
roasted pork neck, fried chicken wings
tom yum chased by a squid on fire 
nights tempered with brandy and whiskey 
fine china eclipsed by cheap plastic.

It was for the dinners that we say "kampai"!

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