Monday, September 10, 2018


Queen Christina of Sweden created the Order of the Amarante in 1653 in honor of Spanish Ambassador Don Antonio Pimentel whose hometown is Amarante in Spain, and was subsequently conferred to 15 other unmarried Knights "who participated in the Queen's most intimate pleasures" every Saturday evening during the "Feast of  the Gods" [Wikipedia].

It was this Order that inspired Bro. James Taylor [the Mason not the singer] to create a new Masonicaly inclined society in 1860 that Bro. Robert Macoy eventually organized into the Order of the Amaranth in 1873.

Today's Order of the Amaranth is an appendant body of Freemasonry composed of Masons and their female relatives who are all expected to prove the goodness of the Order by adhering to the Golden Rule and the virtues of Truth, Faith, Wisdom and Charity.   

Me and my wife are members of the Order and are greatly honored to be chosen by the Grand Royal Matron and Patron of the Philippines to be their representatives in Central Luzon, and thrilled to host them during their official visit to the District.

Day 1 (September 5)

With leaves of absence filed, hotels booked and the 5-day itinerary of travel finalized, we motored to Clark International Airport to receive our guests and on the way stopped for lunch at Casa Galleria at the City Mall along SCTEX where we encountered happiness in samples of their homemade ice cream although the rest of the menu is nothing great if their dinuguan [too salty] and lechong kawali [fried more than lechon] are examples of it.

Google led us to Cafe Mesa within the Clark Freeport Zone after picking Grand Lecturer Eva Panopio who flew from Davao City via Cebu, and it is a cozy place to chill actually with barista coffee, quesadilla and tacos to kill the time and warm up with our first guest, although I must admit I got distracted by the tattooed ladies who mixed and served my gin tonic. 

Finally, touchdown for Grand Royal Matron Rowina and Grand Royal Patron Solomon Soliza, our bosses so to speak, all the way from the southernmost city of Zamboanga City also via Cebu, and I'm double thankful to Google who led us to the Matam-ih Authentic Kampampangan Cuisine since what is more appropriate for a reception dinner than a spread of the local food --- pinakbet, binagoongang baboy, kare-kare, pinaupong manok, sisig, pako salad, sinigang na ulo ng salmon, patatim --- which is actually a culinary representation of Central Luzon and generally alright in terms of taste although the service is below my standards for such a highly Google-rated restaurant.  

Day 2 (September 6)

It has been agreed that the wife will stay with our GRM and GRP although our residence is just nearby, and all Royal Matrons have been advised to focus on preparing their respective Courts for the Grand Visit and nothing else.

We have taken the full responsibility of escorting our guests to ensure that we stick to the itinerary and time, and that unfortunately has taken a blow on the first scheduled visit to Nueva Ecija Court No. 31 that was delayed by almost 2 hours which is a representation of the infamous Amaranthine time. 

Aside from that, it was a good day with us Sir Knights having a photo with Rommel Padilla [Daniel Padilla's dad] that somehow tempered the three hours lost in the hotel lobby, and two skewers of karioka fuelling the next hours until the Fellowship Night at Cafe Leticia where we appointed ourselves as food inspectors and stripped the lechon to its last crisp skin before it was even served. 

Day 3 (September 7)

Despite our best efforts, Amaranthine time again ruled even before leaving Harvest Hotel for the 35-kilometer ride to Pantabangan-Bonari Court No. 46 that effectively delayed the program by two hours.

And when we started, the rain came hard too but was blunted by the warm reception of candles, bubbles and confetti showered upon the GRM and GRP, and that was how it went until lunch when the rain poured harder as if competing for attention, escorting us through the 26-kilometer ride to San Jose City Court No. 54 who welcomed us amidst a deluge which I and two other Sir Knights bravely endured to get the parking done right.

I had wet socks throughout the program which I don't mind specially at dinner when I was reunited with the half-full Johnny Walker bottle from last night night's fellowship that somehow eased the discomfort of being wet inside an airconditioned room. 

Day 4 (September 8)

This was the day we almost caught up with time until our advance party at Model Court No. 55 advised us to delay since there's just a few people in Baloc at that time.

So we made a detour to the St. Joseph the Worker Cathedral where the GRM and GRP offered the bouquets of flowers presented to her from the first three visits, was hoping to bide more time with a carabao milk-laced coffee at Milka Krema that was unfortunately still closed, and made up for that with a short tour of CLSU.

And then to an Honor Guard welcome at our home Court finally, another 2-hour delay regrettably, and to a really warm reception that was too much for some and required abbreviating the program, before the airconditioned comfort of Munoz Royal Court No. 17

By then, we were almost on time but that did not matter anymore.    

We concluded the Grand Visit with a Fellowship Night that we [me and my wife as DDGRP and DDGRM, respectively] tendered in honor of the GRM and GRM, and for the Royal Matrons and subordinate Courts of District 5 who did everything in their powers to roll out the best red carpet for our guests.

And I am one happy husband because I saw a very happy wife so I opened a bottle of Glenfiddich single malt whiskey, another bottle of Jack Daniel's Old No. 7, a case each of San Miguel Light and Pale Pilsen, and let it all out with the band. 

Day 5 (September 9)

I was still tipsy when the van picked me up at 3 am for the trip back to Clark International Airport and it was too early when we arrived to find a place for a proper breakfast so we have to make do with McDo.

Then it was time to say goodbye for the moment, relieved that everything turned out well, and thankful to everyone who supported the Grand Visit in one way or another, specially to our Mistahs who have been with us since Day 1.

We took off to the SIDCOR Sunday Market where I parted ways with my wife and our friends, them to shop and then go home to catch sleep, me to NAIA Terminal 2 where I promised to relieve the Mabuhay Lounge bar of everything it has to offer so I can sleep my way all the way to Hanoi.  

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