Monday, April 20, 2015


It was unusual, even in retirement, for my planner to go blank for a week.

It's not that I was idle.

It's just that what I did this week don't count for what I usually write in my planner.

IT being minding the house and Balong while the wife and Bulan were at the National Secondary Schools Press Conference as coach and contestant.

IT being a week of breakfasts at Jollibee's [yes, pancakes with extra syrup, black coffee, and pineapple juice] and dinners at my Italian in-law [I have to empty the ref before the wife comes home].

IT being the monotony of reporting for 15 minutes to Boss No. 1, a quick phone call to Boss No. 2, and checking if Boss No. 3 has anything for me.

It was that until I got my first phone call and yes, I have been shortlisted not for what I applied for but for another job item with a higher salary grade.

It was promising interview, and it rained on me for the first time this year as we went home.

It was the eve before a race so I took AGT for maintenance.

It was a good ride on a good track on a hot Sunday morning and I registered the best individual time for Team 373.

It was a good feeling as the blank week and its many ITs turned out just fine.


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