Monday, October 04, 2010


I thought Tianjin is almost not China. It seems a first world city with its wide streets and high rises.

Then the frequency of the red flags with the yellow stars matched that of the countless street lights.

A nice smile and sign language became the medium of communication.

We were moved to another hotel because that which we have been booked is not allowed to take in foreigners. I was told that came from the police who immediately installed detection devices and a 24-hour security detail in our new hotel.

I am in China. And this is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

FOOTNOTE: According to Wikipedia, Tianjin was once known as Zhigu which means “Straight Port”. It was in 1404 that it became known as “the Heavenly Ford”. The top photo was the first image I shot of Tianjin as our plane touched down at the Binhai International Airport. The bottom photo is my first Tianjin dinner at a Taiwanese restaurant just below our hotel.

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