Monday, September 23, 2024

BALOC RIDES: Prelude to Vientiane

San Geronimo of Baloc who healed the sick and called for the rains through Juana is also St. Jerome of Striddon who rewrote the Old Testament from Hebrew to Latin and is the patron saint of translators. 

Our San Geronimo is an accessory to the conception of Kuya Bulan, one of our ipso facto lines to heaven that is dialed through lighted colored candels at the Aglipayan Cathdedral and Roman Catholic Sanctuary.

There, I sent off my wife as she reported back to work with the prayer that we may live long and prosper like the very satisfactory results of our recent quarterly and hopefully, the Timolol Maleate will work fine too as well as a second dose of anti-rabies vaccine in Munoz.  

OPlan SCM-CSWDO is on target but Ate Chona did not respond to OPlan Guimba while Oplan SJC-PCSO remains uncertain that is why we reinvested P77,357.50 at MHCC  

The I-JET/FFA/A&C Trilogy was on full show for a GCash and a check deposit, intense but sedate like a root beer and a fake non-alocoholic beer in Bakal 2, and a Japanese mocktale from Ortigas. 

Friday's bike ride was rained out so I was once again Master Chef and Iron Man, a disciple of the Craft and the abandoned parish church of San Geronimo, and the author of a Sunday epistle to RAN.

I was dry for almost a week and smokeless for almost a day in Bakal 2, Manila and Bangkok. 

That was until arriving in Vientiane on Sunday night...

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