Monday, August 08, 2022


And that would be with three of Bangkok's best beers --- a Singha premium lager on Monday in an upscale diner that served a passable omelette and a disappointing pork neck stir fry, an American-style Chang lager in the usual place on Tuesday with an amazing fried pork ribs topped with an ordinary Leo lager and superb grilled beef that could have been wonderful have I not overate and over-drank to conclude 1.5 days of frank PMU conversations and a bowling match of hologram pins felled by balls of frozen whiskey sour and mojito.     

Two weeks and 6 antigen self tests later, PR 731 ferried me back to Manila where Bulan and the citizens of Timog Avenue Never Stop Dreaming as reflected in the pre-pandemic crowd at Tipsy Pig where the tipsy sisig and tipsy gambas platter are not The Life and Legacy of Shimon Peres but a sober ginataang munggo with three slabs of bagnet and a forgettable squid al olio that tasted like a tin can.

In Bakal 2, Mr. White let Mike Ehrmantraut bleed to death while the Phantom Biker tried to recover two missed weeks with two days in the trail that was enough for a second booster shot, a birthday catch up on Saturday and a Breaking Bad reunion in Talugtug on Sunday as ASAC Hank finally realized that W.W. is in fact the elusive Heisenberg...

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