Monday, July 25, 2022


It was a good day when Balong the Youngest finally submitted the last requirements for admission to Hogwarts three days before PR 730 delivered a bottle of ancient tequila that decimated the cartel, and a bomb that blew up Hector and Gus as their punishment for Breaking Bad

Although safe in Bangkok, Kim felt that she and Jimmy are bad for each other and left as the servers at Ter Sab Woey brought out three brands of cold Thai beer and an offering of papaya salad, omelette, grilled pork neck, spicy beef salad, steamed fish, chicken cashew nut, morning glory, barbecued shellfish and roasted chicken to celebrate the return of the Phantom Biker after an absence of two years and 7 months. 

He touched down at Tsai Eatery wearing a blue helmet, masked and carried by a green Giant mountain bike that whisked him through the narrow alleys of Kudi Chin where spicy yellow noodles, foreigner's cake and curry puffs were offered as prayers in the altar of the Santa Cruz Church .

He paid his respects to the 10-meter Buddha of Wat Kalayanamit before traversing flyovers, unnamed streets and a bridge that brought him to Klong Dan and a school of shark catfish who fed on omelette and tom yum to enable their reincarnation as the The Big Buddha of Wat Paknam.

He tested negative thrice as a reward for transporting antigen testing kits through 12 kilometers of concrete jungle from the Gypsum Metropolitan Tower to the Chatrium Residence where he shed his 2-day inclusive business suit for 5 days of learning that was preceded by a dinner with the dream catchers of Manila.

So Better Call Saul...    

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