Monday, October 05, 2020


The FAT of Liguria (olive oil, prosciutto, parmesan) makes food delicious, SALT from Kama-kamagari (moshio, miso, soy sauce) brings life to food, ACID sourced in Oxkutzcab (sour oranges, lime, Melipona) balances the flavors, and the HEAT of  Chez Penisse in California (grill, roast, simmer) transform food from raw to cooked. 

Yes indeed although Samin Nosrat's tahdig is actually glorified tutong and I have doubts if it will go well with the acidic flavor of sinigang and papaitan or the sugar-tempered saltiness of tiim, all glistening with meat fat, all cooked in a mild simmering heat including the grilled liempo for the tokwa't baboy, all prepared by Jayson to celebrate the resumption of our labors, albeit sanitized, masked, shielded and gloved.   

In another part of the world, DCP Vatika Chaturvedi's task force was rewarded with ice creams for solving a heinous Delhi crime while in Pretoria, Solomon Mahangu (aka Kalushi) was forced fed with apples and tomatoes just for being black. 

But it was too early for lomi so The Phantom Bikers retreated to the usual aroskaldo as Kalifa's rap danced in Jinn's beat, Sara's forsaken cop life etched in alcohol bottles that adorn the Skylines of Frankfurt as Filippo Ganna and Diego Ulissi won the first two stages of the 103rd Giro d'Italia in Palermo and Agrigento, respectively.

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