Monday, November 25, 2019


One lesson imparted to me by the Craft is to ensure that I allocate equal time for the service to the Great Architect of the Universe and a distressed worthy brother, for my usual vocations, and for refreshment and fun too.

The 24-inch gauge represent our priorities as illustrated by the 24 hours in a day: 8 hours for our spiritual vocation and charity, 8 hours for our profession, and 8-hours for well-being and family.

That is at least my interpretation.

Being an an agnostic, my labors for the Craft (Blue Lodge, Scottish Rite, Order of the Amaranth) represent my spiritual endeavor which in summary is in pursuit of being less of an asshole and more of a better person, with the caveat that my response to a distressed brother is determined by that brother's worthiness.

I take my job seriously and a rare rating of "Outstanding" and annual salary adjustments will speak for itself.

And I have reason to believe that I have provided well for my family, not too much but more than enough to be content and happy, and had been a good husband and father.   

The 24-inch gauge is one whole tool in life and will be useless if taken apart into three pieces.

Eight hours alone can not stand by itself, it must complement and be complemented by the remaining 16 hours, the total of which will indicate where we stand as man and Mason.   

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