Monday, May 20, 2019


They saw it coming, so the anti-establishment who was once the establishment offerred a sacrificial lamb for slaughter in the election for 12 Philippine senators.

Para lang masabing sumali sila.

Nevertheless, the "enlightened elite" supported Otso Diretso which I also did except for Bam Aquino and Mar Roxas whose family names are the manifestations of our elite-dominated democracy that has benefitted so much and yet gave so little, and also Akbayan for sentimental reasons and perhaps my requiem to what was once the future of new politics which is now a hollow shell of what it claims to be. 

Ano ang napala sa pakikipagsabwatan?
I am tired of the Left and the Right, of yellows and reds, and would rather paint a new picture on a blank canvass that is bereft of political colors.

Mahilig magpinta ang mga nasa middle class. 

The partylist which is an appeasement to those in the margins of society has been hijacked and must be abolished, the political system that is designed to perpetuate the rule of the elite should be overhauled to ensure parity.

Hindi eleksiyon kundi...    

What are the options now?

I don't worry about the Senate and its "presidentiables" who will play their cards smartly (and cunningly) with 2022 in their minds. .

An extrajudicial solution is a scary scenario that will just escalate the polarization of the country between the reds and the yellows.

Furthermore, I look at Duterte's election as a counter move from a neglected public along the lines of the masa going for Erap in 1998.

Erap was eventually deposed by the established elite with the backing of the military but that won't happen to Duterte who seems to have the military's full support, who blasphemed almost everyone and is getting away with it, and has a strong base of support in the provinces that sorround imperial Manila.      

I don't like Duterte but this time, I'm not willing to usurp the will of the neglected public who elected him to office like when we betrayed the masa by ousting their president in 2001. 

What shall we do?

I say wait it out in the short term since "natural causes" might just be around which is the band-aid solution.

But what we need in the long run is radical change that should be led by an ideologically-neutral movement, a third force that can consolidate the silent majority, with new leaders as popular as Erap with a political will that is stubborn as Duterte's. 

Menawhile, let's pack the guns and contemplate with Johnny Walker Black on the rocks.

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