Monday, October 22, 2012


Two things why, almost reluctantly, I accepted an invitation to Cebu City:

[1] the colonial heritage church of Boljoon plus that
      chance to upgrade my stupid Olympus Camedia point
      -and-shoot photos with my Olympus OMD-EM5;

[2] to accommodate the Department of Agriculture who
      owe us a P4.3 million project that was approved and
      allocated in 2011 but, according to them, remains

Two things why I declined Usec Fred's offer to travel to Berlin:

[1] I already confirmed Cebu and have planned for Boljoon 
     (and Argao and Carcar too);

[2] I thought Berlin is too far and too short and would
     almost be as angular as Bonn.

Cebu +factor: fellowship with a fellow Traveler.

Berlin -factor: tons of "loss and damage" stuff expected in Doha anyway.

Usec's photos of the 200+ years old Catedral de la Virgen Maria de la Conception Imaculada de la Habana in Cuba will do for the moment...  

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